Saturday, 9 July 2016

Investment Expertise is Over-Rated & Discipline is Under-Rated

There is a classic story about how a stock portfolio built by having a blindfolded monkey throwing darts at the financial pages of a newspaper does better than a portfolio constructed by experts!! 

Sounds unbelievable?

You must then read “A Random Walk Down Wall Street”, a 1973 bestseller by Burton Malkiel.

It is quite common for investors to seek 'Expert' advice on stock market direction or on the prospects of a company's share price.

The reason for such behavior is the belief that there are 'Investment Experts' who can provide 'Investment Tips' to help one earn superior returns on their money.

Such belief often leads to grossly sub-optimal returns on investment for a retail, individual investor who ideally wants to build substantial capital over his/her working life (20-30 years or more).

So, what should a common individual investor do?

First of all, remember this:

It is NOT so much the SMARTNESS, but better DISCIPLINE which creates Higher Wealth

Here are the simple habits that one can develop to be a Disciplined Investor:
  1. Understand that someone promising a High Return is only trying to attract your attention. Be extremely wary of such promises
  2. Focus on your GOALS rather than trying to generate abnormal returns
  3. Start investing at the earliest possible - No matter howsoever small the amount may be. This way you allow Compounding to work for your benefit
  4. Remember George Soros ' words: "If investing is entertaining, if you’re having fun, you’re probably not making any money. Good investing is boring.”


  1. Very well written and sound advice indeed. Its quite difficult for a common individual to rise above the events driving the stock market to focus on individual goals and align their investments with them.

    1. Good to know that you liked it. Thanks for your appreciation!
